Conquering Dyslexia Book Study
Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - For Educators FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WA Hasbrouck Book Study Conquering Dyslexia (pdf)
Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - For Educators FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WA Hasbrouck Book Study Conquering Dyslexia (pdf)
Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - Jan's Jam Party! FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WA Hasbrouck Book Study Conquering Dyslexia (pdf)
Journeys Into the Science of Reading: A Roundtable of Wisconsin Educators SOR Journey Flyer
Journeys Into the Science of Reading: A Roundtable of Wisconsin Educators SOR Journey Flyer
The International Dyslexia Association - Northern New England Alliance is pleased to announce the first Vermont screening of the documentary, The Truth About Reading, on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at Norwich University’s Mack Hall Auditorium in Northfield, VT, at 5:30 PM. After the film, a speaker panel, moderated by Laurie Quinn, Ph.D., President of The Stern Center, will present their experience with literacy in Vermont, featuring a student, parent, teacher, college professor, and literacy leader, followed by a Q&A from the audience.
In this book study, we will focus on The Reading Comprehension Blueprint: Helping Students Make Meaning from Text by Nancy Hennessy. Through our time together, we will develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of reading comprehension and dig into a blueprint for instructing students that includes building background knowledge and vocabulary, understanding syntax and text structure, inferencing, and more.
In this book study, we will focus on The Reading Comprehension Blueprint: Helping Students Make Meaning from Text by Nancy Hennessy. Through our time together, we will develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of reading comprehension and dig into a blueprint for instructing students that includes building background knowledge and vocabulary, understanding syntax and text structure, inferencing, and more.
In this book study, we will focus on The Reading Comprehension Blueprint: Helping Students Make Meaning from Text by Nancy Hennessy.
In this book study, we will focus on The Reading Comprehension Blueprint: Helping Students Make Meaning from Text by Nancy Hennessy.
Vermont educational leaders share their perspectives on leading and managing evidence-based literacy practices in their school districts. They offer a wealth of knowledge and experience to fellow educational leaders as we move forward with implementing our new reading legislation, S.204: An Act Relating to Supporting Vermont's Young Readers through Evidence-based Literacy Instruction. Join us live for any or all of these free webinars to ask questions and get the practical guidance needed to set schools up for a successful year. Register to receive recordings of each speaker's presentation and their slide deck for future reference. Session 1: It's All About the Data: Using Reading Data to Lead Instructional Improvement Presenter: Katherine Barwin
Session 2: Building the Roadmap to ensure Reading Success for ALL Presenter: Michaela Martin In order to build a comprehensive MTSS academic system that supports the reading needs for all learners, leaders and other decision-makers must understand the conceptual underpinnings of these systems so they can design plans that are realistic, sustainable, and transferable to their organization. Using a school and supervisory union as a model, Michaela shares the necessary components of an effective reading system focused on high-quality instruction and intervention; effective collaboration; and professional learning. Michaela will also share specific decisions and plans, as well as strategies and actions, that bring each system component to life. Join us live for any or all of these free webinars to ask questions and get the practical guidance needed to set schools up for a successful year. Register to receive recordings of each speaker's presentation and their slide deck for future reference.