Conquering Dyslexia Book Study

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - For Educators FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WA

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - Live session with Jan Hasbrouck FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WA Hasbrouck Book Study Conquering Dyslexia (pdf)

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - For Parents FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WAHasbrouck Book Study Conquering Dyslexia (pdf)

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - For Educators FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WA Hasbrouck Book Study Conquering Dyslexia (pdf)

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study

Conquering Dyslexia Book Study - Jan's Jam Party! FREE Zoom webinars with Jan Hasbrouck and Small Group Discussion Zoom Meetings with TRL WI and partners from WI, PA, and WA Hasbrouck Book Study Conquering Dyslexia (pdf)

Book Study Series, “The Reading Comprehension Blueprint”

In this book study, we will focus on The Reading Comprehension Blueprint: Helping Students Make Meaning from Text by Nancy Hennessy. Through our time together, we will develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of reading comprehension and dig into a blueprint for instructing students that includes building background knowledge and vocabulary, understanding syntax and text structure, inferencing, and more.

Book Study: “The Reading Comprehensive Blueprint”

In this book study, we will focus on The Reading Comprehension Blueprint: Helping Students Make Meaning from Text by Nancy Hennessy. Through our time together, we will develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of reading comprehension and dig into a blueprint for instructing students that includes building background knowledge and vocabulary, understanding syntax and text structure, inferencing, and more.

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